How to convert RTSP stream to RTMP stream?

Happytime rtmp pusher supports converting rtsp streams to RTMP streams.
Open the rtmp pusher configuration file config.xml and edit the pusher node.


<pusher> : Represents a push stream, specify the audio and video output parameters, it can configure multiple nodes
The push stream source, it supports the following parameters:
filename: local media file name, the media files need to be placed in the directory where rtmppusher is located
screenlive : stream the living screen
videodevice : stream from the camera
audiodevice: stream from the audio device
screenlive+audiodevice: stream the living screen and stream audio from the audio device
videodevice+audiodevice: stream video from the video device and stream audio from the audio device
rtsp stream address : specify the rtsp stream address as the push source, such as rtsp://

If your system have multiple video capture device, you can use
videodeviceN, the N to specify the video capture device index, start from 0, such as:
videodevice ; stream video from the first video device
videodevice1 ; stream video from the second video device
The audio device and screen similar to the video device

<dsturl>: Specify the push destination address, it should be a RTMP stream address, the RTMP client (such as VLC) can watch the audio/video by this RTMP stream address.
<user>: if the <srcurl> is a RTSP stream address, specify the rtsp server's login user name
<pass>: if the <srcurl> is a RTSP stream address, specify the rtsp server's login password

<video> : Specify the video output parameters
Specify the output video width, if 0 it use the original video width (living screen use the screen width, camera use the default width)
Specify the output video height, if 0 it use the original video height (living screen use the screen height, camera use the default height)
Specify the output video framerate, if 0 it use the original video framerate (living screen use the default value 15, camera use the default value 25)

<audio> : Specify the audio output parameters
Specify the audio sample rate, it can specify the following values:
8000, 11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000
If 0 it use the original audio sample rate (audio device use the default value 8000)
Specify the audio channel number, 1 is mono, 2 is stereo
If 0 it use the original audio channel number (audio device use the default value 2)

Below is the setup example:



